21. November 2019
On November, 19th, an article with this title appeared on the prestigious scientific magazine Nature, featuring our work. Read what we do, and what people and Institutions think about our job and the way it can help in enhancing scientific integrity. Read the full story here.

16. October 2018
We recently reported our findings on a highly advertised paper published on the journal "Scientific Reports", claiming that the homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron is effective in reducing neuropathic pain in rats.

12. October 2018
The investigation on the paper by Margar et al, recently published by Scientific Reports, is still ongoing; however, Nature featured it, acknowledging its importance.

03. October 2018
Recently, we started an investigation on the data contained in a string of papers published by an Indian group of researchers. This investigation was initiated after several media started to boast a paper from this group reporting positive results of a homeopathic remedy in an animal model. A translation of the preliminary findings of this investigation, published in Italian by the online magazine Query, is reported below. CAVEAT: the investigation is ongoing, and what follows is only a tiny amo